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Olen Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulusta – Xamk:sta valmistunut muotoilija, joka etsii itselleen uusia projekteja ja työskentelymahdollisuuksia. Minulle on tärkeää, että suunnittelemani tuotteet palvelevat käyttötarkoitustaan ja antavat ihmisille iloa. Pyrin luomaan ajatonta, mutta silti tuoretta ja mielenkiintoista muotoilua. Tällä hetkellä keskityn korusuunnitteluun ja oman brändin kehittämiseen.


Saan työhöni inspiraatiota luonnosta, urbaanista ympäristöstä ja taiteesta. Värien käyttö sekä erilaiset muodot ja materiaalit antavat minulle vau-elämyksiä. 


Pidän siitä, kun saan haastaa itseni ja koetella rajojani suunnittelijana. Uusien muotojen luominen, käyttäen erilaisia materiaaleja ja menetelmiä, on monin tavoin palkitsevaa. Paras palkinto työlleni kuitenkin on, kun näen ihmisten käyttävän tuotteitani ja niistä muodostuvan heille rakkaita.


Kiitos, että poikkesit sivustolleni! Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, tai olet kiinnostunut tekemään kanssani yhteistyötä, ota yhteyttä.


​As a modern inventive designer, Olga enjoys to work with a variety of materials and textures. In her process of producing jewelry, she focuses on “creating newness, pieces that look 'fresh' and that have as well the appealing look of timelessness”.


Olga Schulman emphasizes that her inspiration is rooted in a variety of sources: “Ideas can appear at any time in any situation. I feel certainly drawn to natural forms, stylish new fashion trends and I am interested in and aware of the aesthetic richness that I can encounter in art and history museums.”


Olga Schulman has studied Applied Science at the South-Eastern Finland University. In 2016 she discovered her passion and love for designing and producing beautiful jewelry. Since then, she followed her interest in creating and producing jewelry lines like the BUBBLES or the LACE collection that match her own refined taste, with dedication to quality, and beauty in its most classic style. These designs of rings, ear jewelry, pendants, brooches etc. can be marketed as single items as well in collections. Each item has its own “artistic handwriting” and is a recognizable piece of the Olga Schulman brand.


The technical foundation of Olga Schulman’s jewelry creation consists of a sophisticated, labor intensive manufacturing process. Thus, customers can acquire jewelry pieces that are in every detail original handmade designer products.


All jewelry items of the BUBBLES, LACE, WAVE and WIRE collections are made of 925 Sterling Silver. The collections, for example, reflect different archetypes. Each line has its individual basic recurring artistic pattern which is expressed in a variety of individual elements in respective forms.


“I am not using gemstone settings in my work”, says Olga Schulman, “I just prefer to keep pure original shapes, to use and to enhance the natural beauty of the silver metal. I love creating complicated, intricate pieces that can make a bold fashion or lifestyle statement."


"It is very important to me, that my jewelry creations match my customers taste, that people are very pleased and proud of wearing these exceptional pieces. All of my designs have an artistic touch, their own story and inspirational ideas. They are singular, strong, outstanding. They offer a distinctive way to express individuality. Thus, each single item has the particular value and feature of being a unique piece."


Wearing Olga Schulman jewelry is a pleasure and joyful. "Looking at my jewelry designs won’t leave anyone indifferent.”


'Silver brings one the advantage throughout life', says the esoteric wisdom.

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